Image and Confidence Building

[quote align=”center” color=”#999999″]It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.[/quote]

Author Unknown

Confidence is assurance, freedom from doubt, belief in yourself and your abilities.

If you can picture it you can attempt and achieve it. Confidence and self-esteem are not a result of genetics, IQ or luck. They are mental processes and skills which can be learnt and developed.

Self-Confidence determines how you think, feel and behave. Your level of self-confidence largely determines what you make happen in life. Three important areas of self-confidence are (a) Self-Liking – The more you like yourself the higher standard you set for yourself (b) Self-competence – the inner mirror, the power to look inwards, self-image (c) Self-Assurance – attitude to the self.

[quote align=”center” color=”#999999″]You’ve got to take the initiative and play your game. In a decisive set, confidence is the difference.[/quote]

Chris Evert

The importance of Self-Image and Confidence

Self-image is the personal view we have of ourselves. It is our mental image or self-portrait. Lack of confidence and self-esteem – whether in specific situations or just generally will cause one to fall short of one’s potential, feel unworthy and miss out on much of what love and life have to offer.

The image one projects upon others will reflect an assessment of one’s abilities, which may undermine the true self. By just building a self-confident image, one will be more marketable to get ahead in one’s career.

Objectives of the programme – participants will learn:

  • What is self-image and self-confidence and why is it important
  • Key behaviours of self-image and self-confidence in leading change
  • Links between self-image, self-confidence and board room behaviours.
  • How to build rapport and influence with confidence – Practical Skills role plays and scenario planning
  • The power of beliefs – and how to re-programme your beliefs
  • The 5 things virtually everyone does to gain the love, respect, or approval of people.
  • A simple, 4 step mental toughness training process for performing flawlessly when speaking in presentations, meetings, and negotiations.
  • The step-by-step process of challenging fears, building their confidence and achieving goals.
  • The key information that is needed to build confidence and make immediate changes to both personal and professional life at every opportunity.

[quote align=”center” color=”#999999″]You have to have confidence in your ability, and then be tough enough to follow through.[/quote]

Rosalynn Carter

Influence & Communication Skills

[quote align=”center” color=”#999999″]Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.[/quote]

Wilma Rudolph

Why is influencing important?

Influence is about selling ideas, persuading people that your point of view is correct and that what you want is what they want.

People are thought to be more effective if they persuade and influence rather than rely on authority, power and fear. There are three main techniques for influencing others – consultation, inspiration and persuasion. Each has its own benefits and each requires a different approach by the manager. A skill of the influencer is to make it easy for the other person (or people) to say yes to the idea or proposal. The best way for the influencer to understand the other person is through active listening to uncover the other person’s needs and to understand what would be an ideal solution for them. Team members, peers and bosses all need sensitive handling, therefore the influencer needs to be diplomatic, persuasive and convincing – in a word, influential

Objectives – At the end of the programme participants will have:

  • Know the importance of influence and excellent communication skills
  • Increased understanding of different influence strategies and their applications to leadership.
  • Developed a greater understanding of the range of influence behaviours in the context of the Influence Model. Explore how to use influence without authority in strategic partnerships and how to select influencing strategy to have maximum impact.
  • Engage in role play to understand the personal impact and assess current strengths and weaknesses, based on feedback drawn from the work situation and fellow participants.
  • Use case studies to explore options and increased the range and effectiveness of own Influence behaviour to provide flexibility of approach. Understand and practice influencing strategies.
  • Developed an influence strategy for specific agendas, and prepare positive tactics for success in those situations
  • Understanding how to present a positive confident image.
  • Understanding of the complexities of communicating messages to different stakeholders with maximum impact.


Negotiation Skills

[quote align=”center” color=”#999999″]During a negotiation, it would be wise not to take anything personally. If you leave personalities out of it, you will be able to see opportunities more objectively.[/quote]

Brian Koslow

[quote align=”center” color=”#999999″]Negotiation is a process where two or more parties with common and conflicting interests come together to put forward proposals to reach a mutually accepted agreement.[/quote]

From Negotiating Strategy and Tactics. SMS

Why negotiation is important?

  • Ensuring that work performance is recognised
  • Turning objectives into agreements
  • Getting what one wants without creating hard feelings
  • Knowing what to do when faced with difficulty in reaching an agreement with some one
  • To ensure effectiveness when up against more experience negotiators
  • Apply tactics such as leverage, nibbling and stray men techniques
  • Influence relationships and manage conflicts

Objectives – At the end of the programme participants will be confident with

  • Conducting win/win negotiations
  • Knowing their negotiation style
  • Recognise the difference between principled negotiation vs. Positional negotiation
  • Planning a negotiation
  • Knowing the different strategies that may be used in a negotiation
  • Knowing how to set your best and worse limits
  • Improving their relationships
  • Creating value negotiations
  • Adjust negotiation style for different situations
  • Conducting varied negotiations


Emotional Intelligence

The master-class examines the science of emotional intelligence (EQ) and the compelling business case for its relationship to leadership success. It is designed to equip participants with the ten dynamic emotional skills that distinguish outstanding leaders from the average. The master class remains sharply focussed on the application and practice of the key strategies for building emotional intelligence and breaks open the building blocks of effective leadership skills.


  • Uncover the science behind emotional intelligence & emotional capital
  • Learn why emotional intelligence why it matters more than IQ
  • Review the link between emotional intelligence, leadership skills and attracting and retaining talent
  • Explore the emotional capital model of EQ
  • Learn the emotional & social skills that drive effective leadership
  • Asses & build your own emotional intelligence and leadership success
  • Embedding leadership – The Emotional Capital Leadership System

The primary role of a leader is to create emotional wealth for competitive advantage. When the tools of emotional intelligence are in the hands of leaders, the tools open the doors to the remarkable, creative entrepreneurial energy that exists in all genuine leaders. Leadership is central to unleashing the best performance. Jim Collins book – “Good to Great”1, cites three elements:

  1. Leadership is critical
  2. The right people
  3. Values – a set of values which people are corporate about, the values that define corporate success

A person’s emotional capital is crucial to his or her success. The relationship between success and emotional intelligence has indicated that star performers (people who outperform their peers) score significantly higher on emotional self-awareness, self-actualisation, empathy, inter-personal relationships, flexibility, problem-solving and stress management.2

Emotional intelligence has been called a soft skill, but research shows that it delivers bottom-line business results. “Research has confirmed that emotionally intelligent leaders are indeed more successful than their less emotionally intelligent peers.”

Self-awareness lies at the core of emotional intelligence and no truly effective leader operates without self-awareness. This concept was highlighted by the Harvard Business Review in an article entitled, “Breakthrough Ideas for Tomorrow’s Business Agenda.” The article stated, “Executives who fail to develop self-awareness risk falling into an emotionally deadening routine that threatens their true selves. Indeed a reluctance to explore your inner landscape not only weakens your own motivation but can also corrode your ability to inspire others.3”

Diversity and Inclusion

The Context:

Under the Equality Act 2010 all listed public bodies are under a legal duty to publish evidence of the analysis that it undertook to establish whether its policies or practices would further, or have furthered, the aims of the duty. The legal framework and guidance relating to Equality Impact Assessments has changed slightly since on 1 April 2011.

An understanding of the Diversity and Inclusion agenda enables more confidence and commitment from the general public and staff; ensures that services are sensitive and in tune with the needs of local populations. It enables the right climate for diverse leadership to flourish, set the tone, articulate the values, determine importance and expectations, integrate Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in to the architecture, and how the organisation does its business.

Objectives of the programme – participants will:

  • Understand the equality Act 2010
  • Understand the Equality Delivery System (EDS) Process
  • Know what is to be delivered through the Equality Delivery System
  • Review the EDS Analysis and time scale
  • Enable the development of the right mind-sets, skills, capabilities to create diverse and inclusive organisations
  • Focus on delivery on health and health care activities that address the needs of all sections of the population and actively redress the inequalities in health outcomes and experience.

Expected outcomes delegates –Delegates will:

  • Leave the master class with better understanding of Diversity and Inclusion
  • Have knowledge of the Equality Act 2010 and development of Equality analysis
  • Assess Inclusion interventions and know how to integrate inclusion principles
  • Connect leadership inclusion to the drive to create a personal, fair and diverse organisation through the development of inclusive skills and capabilities
  • Realise the need for changing mind-sets, cultures and behaviours
  • Understand how EDS build inclusion into the core of all business


Understanding How Groups and Teams work

No matter how passionate or well placed, an individual cannot transform an organisation alone

Being a leader has never been more challenging, there is a need to maximise key performance indicators which look to manage activity and drive up quality; to manage cost improvement programmes. Acute organisations and commissioners are asked to maximise deflator for payment by results and manage contracts properly. Successful outcomes are heavily dependent upon leaders’ ability to lead others through difficult times in an environment where leading by example and being influential is essential.

This is where the concept of high-performing teams comes into action. Creating High Performing Teams is not by luck but by design. How well does the team know its purpose; have clarity on individual roles and responsibilities; possess the competencies and the standards that are required for high performance? To what extent does the team benchmarks its knowledge and standards to promote relentless improvement?

We use the TMS approach as one of the key elements in personal and team development. The Team Management Wheel lies at the heart of the Margerison-McCann approach to maximising personal potential in building balanced, high performing teams and creating energy and resilience for success. It focuses on individual development as a critical first step to effective team development within the context of concrete business objectives. The Team Management Profile offers an easy-to-use framework that accelerates team-building. Discussions centre on issues central to maximising and leveraging personal and team energies.

Objectives of the programme – participants will learn:

  • How best to lead teams and influence change both formally and informally
  • Understand the research and characteristics of super-teams
  • Use Drexler Sibbett team performance model to create super-teams
  • Review the core essential skill for good leadership by relating to the Lumina Leadership Model
  • How to apply change management and work collaboratively with stakeholders and partners

Expected outcomes delegates –Delegates will:

  • Take way a defined focus and strategy on leading others based on research
  • An in-depth knowledge of team development
  • Developed goals and motivation to improve their team working
  • Have a set of coaching tips to enhance emotional intelligent behaviours within their teams and work groups
  • Be more aware of their own deployment of emotional intelligence
  • Have a tool kit to deal with conflict and challenging situations
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