Minhas Tejani, Principal, Jaffery Academy Mombasa
February 15th 2015 was one of the most significant experiences in my life. I spent the day with Dr. Neslyn Watson-Druée. It was a one on one coaching session with her to help me with identifying my strong areas as well as to facilitate in identifying what am I supposed to further achieve in my life. The very rigorous process of meditation was helpful in going down into some of the deeper issues and bring it to surface. One of the issues that I had been carrying with myself for the last 7 years was surfaced and very professionally handled and guided through the healing process. Connecting the discussion with the future plans Neslyn encouraged me to put down my ideas in a pictorial form to put down my broader vision /bigger picture. Through this process I was led to put down some key strategic interventions and identify some of the major hindering factors. During the discussion she also kept sharing the resources on Leadership. I will never forget the day and it will play a pivotal role in my personal life and leadership journey. Special gratitude to Dr. Neslyn for her time, humility, integrity & love which has given me a sense of direction for my life. It was a powerful experience. This will also enable me to positively influence people around me.