Our Next Conference will be a webinar on Leading Your Career

Event Date: Tuesday 6 August 2019

Event Location: Webinar

Register by Clicking Here 

Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you were meant to be. George Sheehan, Physician and Author 1918-1993

Step into your power and broaden your horizon


  • Achieve permanent and positive change
  • Uncover some of your self-imposed barriers and focus on those areas of life where you really do excel
  • Identify your what and establish a plan of action for achieving your natural -born greatness
  • Create at a glance reference materials that identify your life’s purpose and the motivating factors that inspire you

There are no accidents in life – Wayne Dyer –

Everything that happens to us – no matter how painful, leads you to a place of higher value.

For further information email: contact@beaconorganisationaldevelopment.com