Leadership Excellence
Entrepreneurs and business are experiencing rapid change and more than ever leadership excellence is essential. Among the changes are: new patterns of delivering service, demands for quality and value for money; increasing levels of technology, intensifying competition, growing ecological awareness, high expectations of work, demographic changes – 20 million people were refugees worldwide in 2015, in 2024 the total number of refugees worldwide exceeded 50 million for the first time since World War 11, reconfiguration of economies changing political interventions – more than 1.5 billion people still live in fragile and conflict affected countries (United Nations, news and media); inflation and recession reports indicate that the global economy could be on the verge of a once in a generation transformation. By 2030, more than half of the worlds extreme poor will live in countries characterised by fragility, conflict and violence (FCV) World Bank 2020.
The effect of the changes is that most entrepreneurs and business are expected to exercise leadership excellence and cope with changes, whilst facing uncertainty and huge pressures. Leadership excellence is required to steer entrepreneurial innovations and business to grow and develop during such turbulence and to achieve their goals and vision.

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