So, What is Leadership?
Beacon Organisational Development recognise that leadership is a much-debated concept, and people’s perceptions will be influenced by the constructions that they have and the values that they ascribe to leadership.
Here, we offer a working definition of leadership:
Leadership is the willingness to be in service to generate transformation to create an environment and the space for people to perform at their best.
We believe that leadership is about enabling others to be their best, best in skills and expertise, best in providing and developing a service, best in creating value and serving customers. Leadership excellence is grounded in valuing people, creating diverse teams and harnessing diverse skills to bring about innovation and excellence in product development, sales, marketing, service delivery and customer care.

Furthermore, the way you are (in other words your being) as a leader will be influenced by your personality, values and your view of the world.
The literature on leadership abounds with leadership styles and types. Your leadership style has an important bearing on how you create a climate in which people can grow and offer value. Hence it is important for you as the leader (whether you are leading your family, a team of people or your business) to be aware of your being – who you are? How you show up, (by that I mean the way you occur to others) matters, so consider – Are you communicating in such a way that you inspire, influence, and draw people to you? Or are you tying people up in knots and driving them away from you?
To become an even more outstanding leader you need to analyse your leadership style and determine the scope and capacity of your leadership, underpinned by emotional intelligence. How are you building the leadership of your children, family members, your team members and the staff within your business? Are you leading your life so that you are giving attention to what matters most to your clients and the service that you provide?